Felon Voting Rights

Please Note: More detailed information is available from the Florida Division of Elections here: Standards Governing Eligibility to Vote After a Felony Conviction. If you are unsure about fines, fees, costs, and restitution, and the impact upon restoration of voting rights, you can ask for an advisory opinion from the Florida Division of Elections. Review section 106.23(2), Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 1S-2.010 for how to ask for an advisory opinion and what information is required. 

When issuing an advisory opinion, the Division will apply the standards in section  98.075(5), Florida Statutes, to determine whether a felon is eligible to register or vote. Therefore, if the felon has provided the required information and if the Division finds no credible and reliable information to indicate that the felon is ineligible to register or to vote, the Division will issue an opinion stating that the felon is eligible. 

Q: What is the Voting Rights Restoration Amendment?

In 2018, Florida voters passed the Voting Rights Restoration Amendment (Amendment 4). The amendment “restores the voting rights of Floridians with felony convictions after they complete all terms of their sentence including parole or probation. The amendment does not apply to those convicted of murder or sexual offenses.”


Q: What does the passage of Amendment 4 mean for convicted felons who were previously deemed ineligible to vote?

As of January 8, 2019, convicted felons who are in compliance with Amendment 4 (those who were not convicted of murder or sexual offenses and have completed all terms of their sentence, including parole, probation, supervision and payment of all fines, fees, costs and restitution ordered as part of the felony sentence) are eligible to register to vote.


Q: How do I know if my voting rights have been restored?

It is your responsibility to affirm that all information submitted on your voter registration application is correct and accurate. The following agencies have resources to assist you in verifying whether you have completed your sentencing obligations:

• Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, (877) 698-6830 http://www.floridarrc.com

• Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller (in the county where sentenced), Hillsborough http://www.hillsclerk.com

• Florida Department of Corrections (where supervised or incarcerated), (850) 488-5021 http://www.dc.state.fl.us

Please note: Hillsborough County residents can apply to receive help with their legal financial obligations. The Florida Rights Restoration Coalition will work with you to gather the necessary information to determine your eligibility. Visit https://floridarrc.com/fines/hillsborough/ to apply. 


Q: My voting rights have been restored. Do I need to do anything before I can vote?

Yes. You must register to vote before you can vote in any election. State law requires you to be registered at least 29 days before an election. You may register to vote:

• At any Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections office

• Online at VoteHillsborough.gov/Register (requires a Florida Driver License or Florida ID)

• At a community voter registration event

• At a voter registration agency (such as a public library or DMV)


Q: If I was removed from the voter roll due to a felony conviction, will I automatically be re-registered to vote now?

No. You must register to vote again. 


Q: I registered to vote. What happens now?

Watch for a new Voter Information Card from our office within a few weeks of registering. If you don’t receive one, please contact our office to ensure we have your correct address. Once registered, please keep your registration information up to date. You can update your address and other information at VoteHillsborough.gov, or call/visit our office.


For more information or if you have a question that is not listed here, contact us at: 

voter@votehillsborough.gov or call (813) 744-5900.